Housing Market Update July 2024

Housing Market Update July 2024 cover picture shows a living room decorated with warm minimalist style. Beige white walls and light oak wood accents.

Housing Market Update July 2024

Being a Realtor for a decade with Avalon Group Realty in St Petersburg, Florida, I’ve witnessed numerous shifts in the housing market. However, the current situation in the American South demands our attention. Recent analysis suggests we may be on the brink of a significant housing market correction, particularly in states like Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and Texas. Let’s delve into the details and explore what this means for homeowners, buyers, and the real estate industry at large.

Housing Market Update July 2024:  The Appeal of Personal Freedoms

Another factor that contributed to the migration wave to Southern states, particularly Florida, was for more personal freedoms during and after the pandemic. Many individuals and families sought out areas with fewer restrictions on daily life and business operations.

Aaron Hunt, our broker at Avalon Group Realty, observed this trend firsthand: “We had numerous clients relocating from states like New York and California, citing frustration with what they viewed as overly restrictive policies. They were drawn to Florida’s approach, which they felt better aligned with their values and desire for personal choice.”

Indeed, Florida’s policies during the pandemic stood in stark contrast to those of some other large states. While places like New York and California implemented extended lockdowns and strict mandates, Florida took a different approach, reopening businesses and schools earlier and emphasizing individual responsibility.

Pam Amante, one of our experienced realtors, adds: “Many of our new Florida residents expressed relief at being able to make their own decisions about masking, vaccination, and how to run their businesses. They felt this level of personal freedom was lacking in their previous home states.”

It’s important to note that views on these policies vary widely, with some praising stricter measures as necessary for public health, while others saw them as government overreach. The migration patterns we observed reflect how these differing perspectives influenced people’s choices about where to live.

As we move forward, it remains to be seen how these policy differences will continue to impact migration patterns and housing markets across the country. What’s clear is that factors beyond just economics played a significant role in the Southern housing boom, and will likely continue to influence real estate trends in the years to come.

Housing Market Update July 2024:  The Post-Pandemic Building Boom

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the South experienced an unprecedented influx of new residents. Consequently, home builders ramped up construction to meet the surging demand. People flocked to our region, drawn by the allure of more affordable living, the flexibility of remote work, and in many cases, lower tax burdens.

Aaron Hunt, Broker of Avalon Group Realty, reflects on this period: “We saw a remarkable surge in interest for Southern properties. The pandemic reshaped priorities for many Americans, and our region offered exactly what they were looking for – space, affordability, and a chance for a fresh start.”

Supply Outpacing Demand

Nevertheless, as the migration wave begins to ebb, we’re confronted with a new challenge: an oversupply of homes. Real estate analyst Nick Gerli has raised concerns about a potential “housing bubble” in the South, pointing to the record-high number of new homes for sale in the region.

Pam Amante, another realtor at Avalon Group, shares her perspective: “While we’re still seeing interest from out-of-state buyers, it’s not at the feverish pace we experienced during the height of the pandemic. We’re having to adjust our strategies to navigate this new market reality.”

The Numbers Tell a Story

The statistics are indeed eye-opening. According to Gerli, the number of new homes for sale in the Southern Region has reached nearly 300,000 – surpassing even the peak levels seen before the 2008 housing crash. This oversupply is beginning to impact prices in some markets. For instance, in Austin, Texas, the median sale price has dropped by 3% compared to last year.

Speculation and Affordability Concerns

One of the key factors contributing to this potential bubble is the rampant speculation that occurred over the past few years. Investors and builders, buoyed by low interest rates and high demand, may have overextended themselves.

Josh Zanow, an experienced realtor with our team, offers this insight: “We saw a lot of speculative building during the boom. Now, with interest rates rising and demand cooling, some of these investments might not pan out as expected. It’s a reminder of the importance of thorough market analysis before making major real estate decisions.”

Housing Market Update July 2024:  A Different Scenario from 2008

While comparisons to the 2008 housing crisis are inevitable, it’s crucial to note some key differences. Unlike the previous crash, today’s homeowners generally have substantial equity in their properties. This is particularly true in many Southern states.

Yvette Kim, another member of our Avalon Group team, emphasizes this point: “Many of our clients, especially long-term Florida residents, own their homes outright or have significant equity. This provides a buffer against potential market fluctuations and reduces the risk of widespread foreclosures.”

Regional Variations

It’s worth noting that this potential housing bubble appears to be largely concentrated in the South. The Northeast and Midwest, with their lower inventory levels and less speculative activity, are not facing the same risks at this time.

The Role of Interest Rates

As we navigate these choppy waters, the role of interest rates cannot be overstated. The recent rise in mortgage rates has undoubtedly contributed to the cooling demand. Many in the industry, myself included, believe that a reduction in rates could help stabilize the market.

There are calls for the Federal Reserve to lower mortgage rates, with some suggesting that pressure from the Biden Administration and Congress could facilitate this change. However, it’s important to remember that the Fed’s decisions are based on a complex set of economic factors, not just the housing market.

Housing Market Update July 2024:  Looking Ahead: Strategies for Buyers and Sellers

In light of these market conditions, both buyers and sellers need to adjust their strategies. For buyers, this potential market correction could present opportunities to find good deals, especially if you’re in it for the long haul. However, it’s crucial to do your due diligence and work with a knowledgeable local realtor who understands the nuances of the market.

For sellers, realistic pricing and effective marketing become even more critical in a market with increased inventory. It’s not just about listing your property; it’s about making it stand out in a potentially crowded field.

The Importance of Local Knowledge

While national trends provide valuable context, real estate remains a fundamentally local business. What’s happening in Austin or Atlanta doesn’t necessarily reflect the situation in St Petersburg or Tampa.

As Aaron Hunt often reminds our team, “Every market is unique. Our job is to understand the local dynamics, from neighborhood trends to school districts to future development plans. This local expertise is what allows us to guide our clients effectively, regardless of broader market conditions.”

Housing Market Update July 2024:  St. Petersburg, FL: A Closer Look at the Local Market

While we’ve discussed broader trends in the Southern housing market, it’s crucial to examine our local conditions in St. Petersburg, Florida. Let’s dive into the specifics of our city’s real estate landscape as of July 2024.

A Balanced Market Emerges

First and foremost, it’s worth noting that St. Petersburg has transitioned from a seller’s market a year ago to a neutral market today. This shift indicates a more balanced environment where neither buyers nor sellers have a distinct advantage. Consequently, we’re seeing reasonable prices and typical timeframes for homes on the market.

Price Trends: Steady Growth Despite Challenges

Despite concerns about a potential bubble in the broader Southern market, St. Petersburg has shown resilience. In fact, home prices have continued to rise. The median sold price for homes in our city reached $439,766 in June 2024, marking an 8.6% increase from the previous year. Additionally, the median price per square foot stood at $344.

Breaking Down the Numbers

Let’s take a closer look at how different types of properties have fared:

  1. Single-bedroom homes: Interestingly, these have maintained stable prices year-over-year.
  2. Two-bedroom homes: We’ve seen a modest increase of 2.1%.
  3. Three-bedroom homes: These properties have shown robust growth, with prices up by 10.3%.
  4. Four-bedroom homes: This category has experienced the most significant jump, with a 17.2% increase.
  5. Five or more bedrooms: Luxury properties have also performed well, with prices up by 15.3%.

Supply and Demand Dynamics

Moving on to the supply side, St. Petersburg had 2,332 homes for sale in June 2024. This represents a slight decrease of 0.6% from the previous month. However, when we look at sales volume, we notice a more significant change. The number of homes sold in June 2024 was 373, down 18.7% from May 2024.

Pricing Strategies and Market Realities

An important factor for both buyers and sellers to consider is the relationship between asking prices and final sale prices. Notably, 59% of homes in St. Petersburg sold below the asking price in June 2024. This suggests that buyers may have some negotiating power in the current market.

Time on Market: A Key Indicator

Lastly, let’s consider how long homes are staying on the market. In June 2024, the average sale time was 39 days, an increase of 14.7% compared to the previous year. Nevertheless, 60% of homes still sold within 30 days, indicating that well-priced, attractive properties are still moving quickly.

In conclusion, while the St. Petersburg market has cooled slightly from the frenzied pace of recent years, it remains robust with steady price growth and relatively quick sales for many properties. As always, working with a knowledgeable local realtor is key to navigating these nuanced market conditions effectively.

Conclusion: Optimistic

As we look to the future of the Southern housing market, it’s clear that we’re entering a period of adjustment. The potential for a market correction is real, and it’s something we need to be prepared for. However, it’s equally important not to panic.

The fundamentals that made the South attractive to so many – affordable living, job opportunities, and quality of life – haven’t changed. Moreover, the equity position of many homeowners provides a cushion that we didn’t have in previous downturns.

At Avalon Group Realty, we’re committed to helping our clients navigate these changing market conditions. Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or simply understand what’s happening in your local market, we’re here to provide the insights and expertise you need.

The housing market, like any market, is cyclical. While we may be facing some headwinds, I remain cautiously optimistic about the long-term prospects for Southern real estate. By staying informed, working with experienced professionals, and making sound, data-driven decisions, we can weather this potential storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

Remember, in real estate, as in life, knowledge is power. Stay informed, stay prepared, and don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted real estate professional for guidance in these dynamic times.

If you are looking for a St Pete Realtor visit https://avalongrouptampabay.com/

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About the Author
Rob Johnson
Realtor, St. Petersburg FL