Best Place in USA to Invest in Real Estate

Best Place in USA to Invest in Real Estate cover picture shows the Tampa Theatre sign in black and white, and a picture of Chris Jansen, Tattoo Artist is in black and white beside the Tampa Picture.

Best Place in USA to Invest in Real Estate:  The Rising Real Estate Investment Star of Florida: St. Pete/Tampa Bay

The Prime Location Advantage
Additionally, the St. Petersburg/Tampa Bay area boasts a premier location. Specifically, it sits along Florida’s Gulf Coast near superb beaches. For instance, the Sunshine State’s best strands like Clearwater Beach are just minutes away. Moreover, Tampa Bay provides easy access to theme park giants Disney World, Universal Studios, and Busch Gardens – all within a 90-minute drive. Furthermore, the region offers direct access to the interstate highway system and two major airports with international flights. Ultimately, Tampa Bay combines world-class amenities with convenient travel accessibility.

Best Place in USA to Invest in Real Estate:  Climate and Environmental Appeals

Likewise, the area’s climate and environment are huge draws. Particularly, Tampa Bay enjoys a moderate, sunny climate year-round. For example, summer highs around 90°F feel milder thanks to Gulf breezes. Moreover, winters are exceptionally mild, with lows rarely dipping below 50°F. Furthermore, the clean ocean air provides high air quality absent pollution issues of inland Florida. Additionally, the prevailing sea breezes keep the region cooler than the state’s sweltering interiors like Orlando and Miami. Overall, the refreshing yet balmy weather is tough to beat.

Best Place in USA to Invest in Real Estate:  Rapidly Growing Population Fueling Housing Demand

Furthermore, Tampa Bay’s rapid population expansion drives fierce housing demand. In particular, the region’s population jumped over 14% in the last decade alone to around 3.2 million currently. Additionally, forecasts call for equally robust growth looking ahead given the area’s appeals. Moreover, domestic migration from other states like the Northeast and Midwest accounts for much of the influx. Likewise, foreign immigration also impacts the Tampa metro markedly. Consequently, the torrid population growth ensures plenty of new housing demand for years to come.

Best Place in USA to Invest in Real Estate:  The New Riviera: St. Petersburg Renaissance

Remarkably, St. Petersburg is emerging as Florida’s new Monaco or Riviera. Specifically, the city’s downtown waterfront has gentrified dramatically in recent decades. For instance, St. Pete boasts glamorous new high-rise condos and apartments with sweeping water views. Additionally, a revitalized downtown hosts trendy restaurants, bars, museums and other amenities. Moreover, St. Pete has become a hotbed for arts, culture and entertainment. Furthermore, celebrities and the ultra-wealthy have flocked to establish residences there, comparing it to a smaller, less frantic and fresher version of glitzy Miami. Unquestionably, St. Pete exudes cosmopolitan sophistication and serene beauty unlike anywhere else in Florida.

Best Place in USA to Invest in Real Estate:  Reasonably Priced Real Estate Opportunities

Consequently, Tampa’s real estate presents excellent relative investment value currently. Notably, the metro’s median home price around $330,000 remains affordable compared to coastal markets like Miami. Additionally, expected robust price appreciation means getting in now before values really skyrocket. For example, St. Petersburg’s revitalization could easily push its median price over $1 million in the foreseeable future. Moreover, quality rental properties can still be acquired to provide solid income streams and upside price potential. Furthermore, Tampa commercial real estate like multi-family complexes, offices and shopping centers offer investors similar bargains versus other major cities. Simply put, the region is a relative bargain presently considering its upsides.

Best Place in USA to Invest in Real Estate:  Thriving Economic Landscape

Besides, Tampa Bay has developed into a vigorous, diversified economic hub. Specifically, major industries headquartered there include finance, telecommunications, technology, healthcare, defense and more. Additionally, the Port of Tampa is the largest in Florida, fueling considerable shipping/logistics activity. Moreover, tourism plays a huge role, highlighted by attractions like Busch Gardens and top beaches. Furthermore, no single sector accounts for an outsized portion of the regional economy. In short, the area’s business landscape appears stable and poised for sustained growth going forward.

Best Place in USA to Invest in Real Estate:  Unparalleled Livability Attracting Businesses and Residents

Undoubtedly, Tampa Bay’s superb livability amplifies its allure for new residents and businesses alike. For instance, the region flaunts an enviable array of outdoor recreation options thanks to the beaches, waterways and parks. Additionally, major league sports franchises for football, baseball, hockey and soccer provide big-city entertainment. Moreover, world-class restaurants, shopping, museums, performing arts and nightlife create a cosmopolitan atmosphere. Furthermore, the University of South Florida and other universities produce a steady pipeline of graduates for the workforce. Ultimately, Tampa provides an unbeatable quality of life for both families and younger professionals.

Best Place in USA to Invest in Real Estate:  Tattoo Mogul Chris Jansen Inks Tampa as His New Business Headquarters
Best Place in USA to Invest in Real Estate Christ Jansen Tattoo Artist at work on a tattoo for a client.

Christ Jansen at work

In another testament to Tampa’s rising stature, renowned tattoo artist Chris Jansen recently announced plans to relocate his wildly popular studio and brand headquarters from Boise, Idaho to the Tampa Bay metro area. For those unfamiliar, Jansen has amassed a cult-like global following and clientele thanks to his distinctive vivid, illustrative tattoo style blending realism and graphic artistry.

His decision to move cross-country from the Pacific Northwest to West Central Florida boils down to Tampa’s unbeatable logistics and amenities for conducting an international business catering to an elite clientele. Most crucially, Tampa’s centralized U.S. location and major airport with nonstop flights worldwide allows Jansen’s regular influx of customers from Europe, South America, and across the States to travel there with unmatched ease and convenience.

Moreover, Tampa offers the sunny subtropical environs and cosmopolitan flair fitting for the high-end luxury experience Jansen’s brand cultivates. The Gulf Coast beaches and outdoor recreation pair perfectly with Tampa’s buzzing restaurant, nightlife, and cultural scenes to keep his well-heeled customers thoroughly entertained during their visits. Jansen specifically cited how Tampa provides the idyllic waterfront resort-like atmosphere his clients desire without the overcrowding and intensity of Miami Beach.

Best Place in USA to Invest in Real Estate:  Better for Business – Chris Jansen

Regarding his business operations, Tampa’s lower costs compared to traditional art/fashion hubs like New York City, Los Angeles, and Miami ensure Jansen can maintain his premium pricing model while still delivering uncompromised white-glove service amenities. The region’s welcoming business climate, tax advantages, and stability also played a key role.

From a quality of life perspective for Jansen and his staff, Tampa scored major points as the perfect location straddling a laid-back beach town vibe with convenient proximity to an international metropolis’ amenities. The Bay area’s diverse array of family-friendly neighborhoods, commuter accessibility, and plentiful housing inventory at reasonable prices proved highly attractive as well.

As the first phase, Jansen is establishing his grand private studio in Tampa to take advantage of the waterfront views, thriving arts community, and luxury residential options there.  He will also be living in the Tampa area with his wife, Morgan, who is a California native along with their children.  Jansen says that “Tampa Bay Area out shined the possibilities of moving his business to Las Vegas, Miami or Los Angeles.  It’s the best place to grow a business and raise a family.”

In the bigger picture, Jansen’s migration westward with his influential global brand signals Tampa Bay’s status as the new elite destination for luxury businesses and celebrities seeking a polished yet relaxed tropical atmosphere. His move marks another pivotal development burnishing the region’s reputation as the Sunshine State’s preeminent cosmopolitan haven beyond just Orlando and Miami. As more moguls and influencers follow suit, Tampa Bay’s real estate market will only continue soaring as a premier investment locale.

Best Place in USA to Invest in Real Estate:  Tampa as the Next Tech Hub Powerhouse

Moreover, the Tampa metro area is rapidly emerging as one of the nation’s premier tech hubs. Specifically, the region has successfully attracted marquee tech giants like Cisco, JPMorgan Chase, OPSWAT, DATIS, and Pramac to establish major operations there. Additionally, homegrown tech stalwarts like ReliaQuest, KnowBe4, Dynasty Financial Partners and others have opted to Stay-and-Play by housing their headquarters locally.

Furthermore, Tampa offers tech firms a compelling array of advantages over traditional hubs like Silicon Valley. For instance, the area’s lower costs of living and doing business provide companies huge operating cost savings compared to the astronomical Bay Area prices. Additionally, lack of personal income tax in Florida is a major boon for recruiting and retaining top tech talent.

Likewise, Tampa’s community colleges and major universities like the University of South Florida act as a pipeline producing new skilled tech graduates annually. Moreover, the appealing Florida lifestyle acts as a powerful lure for young, talented tech workers who prioritize an active, outdoor-oriented quality of life. Correspondingly, Tampa offers plenty of relatively affordable housing options for tech employees compared to exorbitant markets like San Francisco.

Best Place in USA to Invest in Real Estate:  Cryptocurrency

Furthermore, many factors position Tampa as an up-and-coming blockchain and cryptocurrency hub. Namely, the state of Florida has embraced crypto-friendly policies and regulations welcoming businesses in this burgeoning field. Additionally, Tampa’s low taxes and business costs are highly attractive to crypto startups and entrepreneurs seeking lower overhead. Several major crypto firms and investments funds have already established operations in Tampa as a result.

Going forward, huge investments into improving Tampa’s tech infrastructure add to the region’s appeal. Specifically, billions are being poured into initiatives like the SmartCity RADAR project to develop a tech-driven smart transit system for the metro area. The city government is aggressively pursuing development of 5G wireless networks as well as citywide wifi connectivity too. Combined with Florida’s push for crypto banking freedoms, all signs point towards Tampa rapidly cultivating an environment ideal for attracting the best and brightest tech innovators and businesses.

Best Place in USA to Invest in Real Estate:  Tech Sector

The influx of a booming tech sector provides yet another compelling reason Tampa represents a premier real estate investment destination. Notably, the high-paying jobs associated with the tech boom will drive enormous housing demand from both companies and employees looking to establish a Tampa footprint. This surge in housing demand will inevitably propel home prices, rental rates, and occupancy rates across the metro skyward. Investors who get in now stand to ride the immense real estate appreciation wave spurred by Tampa’s ballooning tech sector over the coming years and decades. Those buying properties in areas like Brandon, Ybor City, Downtown and surrounding communities catering to the influx will be particularly well-positioned to capitalize.

Clearly, the emergence of Tampa as potentially the nation’s next great tech hub augments the investment thesis remarkably. More high-paying jobs and economic growth generated by the tech boom will make the Tampa real estate market even more prosperous going forward. Savvy investors need to act swiftly to take advantage before rising prices and demand make entry prohibitively expensive down the road.

Best Place in USA to Invest in Real Estate:  The Bottom Line

In summary, the St. Petersburg/Tampa Bay area stands out as one of the nation’s premier real estate investment locations now and for the future. First and foremost, the region’s unique combination of coastal proximity, climate, amenities and infrastructure is unrivaled in Florida. Additionally, the booming population growth driven by domestic and foreign migration fuels intense housing demand. Moreover, areas like St. Petersburg are revitalizing to attain world-class status likened to sophisticated global destinations, sending property values into the stratosphere. Furthermore, the reasonably affordable real estate compared to markets like Miami provides investors huge upside potential before pricing gets too overheated. When you also factor in Tampa Bay’s thriving economy diversified across numerous sectors and high livability, all the ingredients prove ideal for prudent real estate investing. Simply put, getting in on the ground floor of the St. Pete/Tampa Bay real estate market today could provide investment rewards for generations.

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About the Author
Rob Johnson
Realtor, St. Petersburg FL