Classic Drive – The Daytona Car Show. Buying a home in St Petersburg, Tampa,

Clearwater and surrounding areas opens up a multitude of world class events within a short drive of your doorstep. Also, being in the middle of all the action, makes selling your home easier. (Because so many people wish to live here) Aaron and I are planning to take advantage of one of the biggest events this coming Thanksgiving weekend. We are planning to go to the biggest and best car show in the USA (Rob loves following the “Rat Rod” scene). The Daytona Turkey Run is the largest combined Collector Car Show, Swap Meet and Car
Corral. Car enthusiasts from across the US and internationally make their way twice a year to racing’s most celebrated location, the Daytona International Speedway.
Started in 1974, the event is held on Thanksgiving weekend and the last weekend in March. Participants and spectators enjoy more than 6000 vintage, classic, muscle cars, trucks and other wheeled vehicles

The show’s admission ticket price is $15/day. Show hours are: Thursday, Friday & Saturday from 8 am to 4 pm. On Sunday the show lasts until 2 pm.
Let us know if you are going so we can meet up for fun.