Update 12/28/20: Interest Rates Hit All Time Low
Refinance Your Home Mortgage rates have fallen to an all time low. Therefore, if you are paying a mortgage you should consider locking in a lower rate by refinancing with Aaron Hunt of Capital United Mortgage. Moreover, if you have recently refinanced your mortgage, rates are dropping to historic lows and you, especially, should consider taking advantage of the savings.
Is it a Good Time to Refinance Your Home?
You may have noticed interest rates going down. If you are content in your current home, you can refinance your home while mortgage rates are low and take advantage of the same low rates homebuyers are getting on new home purchases without having to move. Why wait? Right now is the ideal time to refinance, while interest rates are at the lowest point we’ve seen in a year and a half.

Do you have a written plan to refinance your home?
Two Mistakes
“Two of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make when considering a refinance,” Aaron warns. “First, many people procrastinate and miss out on saving money. Interest rates fluctuate up and down, but right now we are seeing really low rates. At any time these rates have the possibility of going up. Secondly, many homeowners think the rate must be drastically lower. In reality a reduction of $200 a month could really benefit many families.
No Press Attention
There has not been a lot of press attention given this great opportunity to save money on your mortgage. We at Avalon Group like to keep our clients up to date on ways to save money with home ownership. With the increase of values to real estate in St Petersburg, Clearwater and Tampa Bay, this is also a great time to sell your home for a profit.
Change of Mortgage Laws
Aaron also wants to alert homeowners that laws regarding mortgage and Home Equity Line of Credit interest deductibility have changed to be more lucrative for refinancing. Don’t give up your hard earned money…investigate the possibilities of keeping more of your money in your pocket
If you think you might benefit by today’s lower rates, act now. Call Aaron to get the process started.
Aaron Hunt – NMLS 1842143